My Favorite Airport: Charlotte-Douglas International Airport
Yes, friends, the results are in, even though there is no poll of which I'm aware:
As I sat in the Charlotte-Douglas International Airport the other day, awaiting the departure of a small plane to New Bern, NC, I realized that my peaceful, easy feeling in this very busy airport was an indication of how much I like this place and how much its designers and businesspeople seemed to ensure its being so, well, nice.
Having just tussled with and then rejected the fee-for-wireless at O'Hare International in Chicago, I confess that I felt something akin to delight and pleasure as I accessed the free (hear that, O'Hare?) wireless in Charlotte, allowing me to continue unabated my inevitable loss in "Words With Friends" to my nemesis back in Chicago, Marilyn.
Perhaps the easy access to gelato and frozen yogurt shops is what's doing the talking here, but this Considered Traveler has considered it, and this airport is a favorite. (I've never really had a favorite airport before.) Food chains? Sure. But lots of choice to suit every type of hunger pang, easy access between and among terminals, comparatively serene decor (OK, for an airport), and, of all things, the type of variety that allows for Brooks Brothers, Bojangle's Fried Chicken, and Jamba Juice.
And then there are the friendly and yet professional TSA agents, one of whom addressed me as "miss," rather than the suitable-for-my-age "ma'am." I thanked the man.
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